Pour des occasions particulières comme un mariage, une naissance, un anniversaire, ..., pour la sensibilisation ou juste pour le geste, vous pouvez offrir un certificat de parrainage de ruche à la personne de votre choix. Son nom sera inscrit sur le certificat (papier A5, issu de forêts gérées durablement), ainsi que la position GPS de la zone d'installation et le numéro de la ruche. Nous envoyons, dans un délai de 2 semaines, le certificat à l’adresse indiquée. C'est un geste simple et original pour partager des valeurs en faveur de la protection de la nature.
Que vous souhaitiez parrainer une ruche à votre nom ou offrir le certificat vous devez inscrire vos noms, prénoms et coordonnées complètes (Email, Adresse, Code Postal, Ville) en tant que donateur ! Ils permettent l'édition du reçu fiscal attestant du versement de votre don à Coeur de Forêt (réduction d'impôt à hauteur de 66% du montant du don).
Le certificat est ensuite entièrement personnalisable :
noms et prénoms à inscrire sur le certificat,
date spécifique lors des occasions particulières (mariage, naissance, baptême, ...),
adresse d'envoi du certificat si elle est différente de l'adresse du donateur (2ème volet du formulaire, dernier encart)
mot d'accompagnement rédigé sur une carte postale à part.
Pour des occasions particulières comme un mariage, une naissance, un anniversaire, ..., pour la sensibilisation ou juste pour le geste, vous pouvez offrir un certificat de parrainage de ruche à la personne de votre choix. Son nom sera inscrit sur le certificat (papier A5, issu de forêts gérées durablement), ainsi que la position GPS de la zone d'installation et le numéro de la ruche. Nous envoyons, dans un délai de 2 semaines, le certificat à l’adresse indiquée. C'est un geste simple et original pour partager des valeurs en faveur de la protection de la nature.
Que vous souhaitiez parrainer une ruche à votre nom ou offrir le certificat vous devez inscrire vos noms, prénoms et coordonnées complètes (Email, Adresse, Code Postal, Ville) en tant que donateur ! Ils permettent l'édition du reçu fiscal attestant du versement de votre don à Coeur de Forêt (réduction d'impôt à hauteur de 66% du montant du don).
Le certificat est ensuite entièrement personnalisable :
noms et prénoms à inscrire sur le certificat,
date spécifique lors des occasions particulières (mariage, naissance, baptême, ...),
adresse d'envoi du certificat si elle est différente de l'adresse du donateur (2ème volet du formulaire, dernier encart)
mot d'accompagnement rédigé sur une carte postale à part.
How long will it take to receive my certificate?You sponsored a tree via the Sponsor a Tree page. The certificates are then processed by our team at the headquarters of the Coeur de Forêt association, located in Noisy-le-Grand, in the Paris region. We deal with tree sponsorship certificates, once or twice a week depending on the time of year. Once your donation has been validated, it may take a few days before we issue your sponsorship certificate in both paper and digital format. We send the digital certificates directly by email, a few days after your donation. This is not automated, but done by our team on the same day of printing the paper certificate. We ship the paper certificates by post immediately. The delivery time varies from a few days to two weeks depending on the day of your donation, your place of residence and postal deadlines. If you notice an error in the digital certificate information, you can contact us within the day to report it to us. We will re-publish the digital and paper version of the certificate as soon as possible. Example: A donation made on a Friday night will be processed and shipped the following Tuesday. The email with the digital certificate will be sent on the same Tuesday, as well as the paper certificate sent by mail, for a reception at your delivery address within the following days. In order for us to meet this deadline for sending your certificate, please refer to the "FAQ - How to fill out the "Sponsor a Tree" donation form" to avoid shipping errors, especially in the case of a certificate to be offered Watch out! Sponsoring a tree with Coeur de Forêt remains above all a selfless gift to support our actions to preserve and restore forests. This gift is an act of solidarity and committed beyond the consideration represented by the paper certificate you receive. The certificate (consideration for your donation), therefore, cannot be considered as a product. Therefore, sponsoring a tree and receiving a paper certificate, is not subject to trade regulations. There is no withdrawal period for the donation. Unfortunately, you cannot be reimbursed after a donation. Not-for-profit structures, like ours, depend on your donations to fund our community equity. We issue tax receipts automatically after your donation. These tax receipts attest to the amount paid by you to our cause and allow you to benefit from a tax deduction from taxes (individuals or businesses). Issuing a refund after a donation could be considered tax evasion.
How do I fill out the donation form?Which option? The options "Kit 1 tree", "Kit 3 trees", "Kit 5 trees", each correspond to the edition of a single certificate on which you will find the number of sponsored abbrs corresponding. We can’t edit 3 different certificates for three people if you select the option "1 Kit 3 trees" to 15 €. The proposed decreasing price is linked to the reduction of the processing time of certificate in case you want to offer the sponsorship of several trees to the same person. What’s the shipping address? In case you want to send the certificate directly to a loved one as a gift. Please fill in all of his contact details: NAME, NAME, complete shipping address (ADDRESS, POSTAL CODE, CITY, COUNTRY, in the question provided for this purpose, entitled: COMPLETE shipping address for the certificate? (IF DIFFERENT from the billing address)*. If you want to receive the certificate at home, and offer it later, you do not need to fill in this question
Can I be reimbursed for my donation?No, sponsoring a tree with Coeur de Forêt is above all a selfless gift to support our actions to preserve and restore forests. This gift is an act of solidarity and committed beyond the consideration represented by the paper certificate you receive. The certificate (consideration for your donation), therefore, cannot be considered as a product. Therefore, sponsoring a tree and receiving a paper certificate, is not subject to trade regulations. There is no withdrawal period for the donation. Unfortunately, you cannot be reimbursed after a donation. Not-for-profit structures, like ours, depend on your donations to fund our community equity. We issue tax receipts automatically after your donation. These tax receipts attest to the amount paid by you to our cause and allow you to benefit from a tax deduction from taxes (individuals or businesses). Issuing a refund after a donation could be considered tax evasion.
Am I the owner of the tree I sponsor?No, sponsoring a tree with Heart of the Forest is a gift. With this donation you choose to support the planting of a tree on one of our projects, but you also support all actions against deforestation/malforestation on our projects. For more details on our intervention model and the actions funded through your tree sponsorship, go to our presentation page. In return for your donation, you receive a certificate of sponsorship that tells you about the plot where the tree you are sponsoring will be located, thanks to the GPS position indicated in it. The certificate is given to the person of your choice, symbolically, so that you keep a record of your commitment to the forests.
Can I visit the tree I sponsored?The trees you sponsor with a donation can either have already been planted or be planted in the next planting season. For this reason, we advise you to contact us before planning a visit to our planting areas. What project did you support? Abroad, if you are planning a trip to the country where you supported us, it is possible to visit our teams. However, please contact us well in advance so that we can anticipate the arrival of visitors in the planning of activities of our teams on site. We do not have human resources for the reception of visitors, our teams are dedicated to the accompaniment of partner producers, the implementation of planting activities, awareness, economic support, etc... Welcoming you in the right conditions on the other side of the world requires a real organization for our teams. Under no circumstances will we be able to provide you with free accommodation, transportation, meals or assistance. Our teams will only be able to offer you a meeting at the project site. All expenses will be entirely at your expense if you wish to visit the planting plots. The visit of a plot will be subject to the prior agreement of its owners (beneficiary producer or community concerned). We therefore advise you to contact us at a very early stage because the time required to contact the farmers can be long. In France, the sponsored trees are planted on private plots, so we will have to take care with our owner partners and have their agreement before visiting their plot. This is easier to organize than on projects abroad but we advise you to start the process as soon as possible before your visit. However, if the parcel concerned is on the roadside, you have the possibility to go there to see it without prior authorization as long as you respect the materialized paths and the restrictions of access posted on site (do not cross barriers, do not walk off paths).
Can I choose the species of tree I’m sponsoring?No, you cannot decide which species will be exactly planted/preserved with your donation. The development of our projects and the expertise required for a afforestation or reforestation project requires choosing a model encompassing several species, with a specific distribution. In that way, we can sponsor some species rather than others. They all have their environmental, social or economic utility and are therefore offered to sponsorship in an undifferentiated manner. However, since you choose the project and the country in which the tree will be planted/preserved, you have the opportunity to discover all the species that we incorporate in our planting models, on the page corresponding to each project. So the tree you’re sponsoring is one of those species.
Can I have several certificates to sponsor a Kit 3 or 5 trees?No, a Kit corresponds to the edition of a single certificate. To edit certificates for different people, you need to select as many Kits as people. For example, if you want to offer a tree to 3 different people, you will have to select 3 x the option "Kit 1 tree" at the price of 15 €, or a total of 45 €. The prices/ decreasing tree offered on the options "Kit 3 trees", and "Kits 5 trees" are time saving for our team to make a single certificate for the sponsorship of several trees. We also save on envelopes, paper, stamps. This is why we cannot send several certificates for the "Kit 3 trees" and "Kits 5 trees" options.
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Tax reduction for individuals?The association Coeur de Forêt is an organization of general interest As such, in return for the donations it receives, the association issues tax receipts (CERFA N° 11580*03) entitling its donors to deduct 66% of the amount of the donation from the amount of their income tax up to a limit of 20% of taxable income. When the amount of donations exceeds the 20% limit of taxable income, the excess is carried forward over the next 5 years and is eligible for the tax reduction under the same conditions. In the event of new payments in subsequent years, deferred surpluses are eligible for the tax reduction before payments in the year. Priority is given to the oldest surpluses. Sources and further information: https://www.service-public.fr/particuliers/vosdroits/F426
Tax reduction for companies?The association Coeur de Forêt is an organization of general interest As such, in return for the donations it receives, the association issues tax receipts (CERFA N° 11580*03) entitling its patrons to deduct 60% of the amount of the donation from the amount of their turnover tax within the limit of 0.5% of the annual turnover. Sources and further information: https://www.service-public.fr/professionnels-entreprises/vosdroits/F22263
As an SME, is patronage for me?"Absolutely, all donors are welcome. Free donation, sharing products, further commitment, depending on you means and your project we build a suitable sponsorship project. Contact us by email for more details: contact@coeurdeforet.com
I have already made a donation to Cœur de Forêt. Am I a member?First of all we would like to thank you for your support! Whether you are a monthly donor, have made a free donation or have sponsored a tree, hive or bees on one of our projects, THANK YOU! It is thanks to you that the projects we develop can move forward year after year. If you have made a donation of €15 or more via our website you will receive an email to become a member for free and simply. All you need to do is fill out the membership form and enter the promo code you received by email as a thank you for your donation.